Last August, about six of us, people who work with preteens, gathered together at Group publishing (At the invitation of Group) and for four days we participated in a Preteen Think Tank. As a result of that meeting, we contributed to the publishing of three books about preteen ministry. These books are packaged together to form what Group calls "Preteen Launchable kit".
I must say, that this is a tremendous resource for helping people not only think about preteens and preteen ministry, but it an awesome guide in helping you begin and establish your preteen ministry. Plus, I personally know all the authors and I know one of them really well...LOL... Seriously though - if you are looking for a great resource to help you begin a preteen ministry, or if you need some fresh ideas, you should check out this kit. I must add here that I DO NOT get royalties from the sale of these books, so this is not my motivation for you to buy this resource. Everyone who contributed to these books really know a lot about preteens and preteen ministry.
Here is a brief description of what you will find in "Preteen Launchables."
Propel Your Preteens on an Unending Journey of Faith!
Whether you’re launching a new preteen ministry or refueling a current program, here’s everything you need to…
Understand how God wired your preteens – socially, spiritually, intellectually, physically, and emotionally
Connect with preteens – through great games, slammin’ service ideas, wow worship, powerful parent involvement, rockin’ retreats, and exciting events!
Plan to succeed with preteens – sure-fire, practical ministry solutions – including igniting to right vision, recruiting the right team, sharing the right message, and so much more!
Kit includes:
3 discussion-starter game pieces--complete with 20 ideas for engaging discussion starters
70 proven ideas
100's of insights
2 BONUS volunteer training sessions
And much more
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